package OSI.AOP.MS.VPC.S.hall; import; import; import; import; import; import ME.SM.OP.SM.AOP.MEC.SIQ.E.E_PLSQL_E; import SVQ.stable.StableWeb; import PEU.P.cache.*; import*; @SuppressWarnings("unused") //作者,著作权人: 罗瑶光,浏阳 public class DatabaseLog_H { static String logCategoryPath; static String logCurrentFilePath; static String logCurrentFile; public static void I_BinLog_H() throws Exception { //db write operation IV_LogCategoryPath(); IV_CurrentFilePath(); //write error rollback //binlog } private static void IV_CurrentFilePath() { long yearMonthDay = System.currentTimeMillis(); long day = yearMonthDay/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); logCurrentFilePath = logCategoryPath + "/log/logger" + day + ".det"; } private static void IV_LogCategoryPath() throws Exception { if(null != Cache_M.getCacheInfo("DBPath")) { logCategoryPath = Cache_M.getCacheInfo("DBPath").getValue().toString(); }else { throw new Exception(); } } public static void writeLogFile(long when, String who, String plsql) { Q_CurrentFileRange(); //zip text string and write; im thinking about a new method to make string write small. String logString ="#@:" + when + "@:" + who + "@:" + plsql; FileWriter fw = null; try { fw = new FileWriter(logCurrentFilePath, true); fw.write("\n\r\n"); fw.write(new String(GzipUtil.compress(logString.getBytes(StableWeb.CHARSET_UTF8)) , StableWeb.CHARSET_UTF8)); // fw.write(logString); fw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private static void Q_CurrentFileRange() { long yearMonthDay = System.currentTimeMillis(); long day = yearMonthDay/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); String willMakeFile = logCategoryPath + "/log/logger" + day + ".det"; String willMakeFilePath = logCategoryPath + "/log"; File file = new File(willMakeFile); File fileWillMakeFilePath = new File(willMakeFilePath); if(!fileWillMakeFilePath.exists()) { fileWillMakeFilePath.mkdirs(); //dont make new for this class, will get memory leakage } if(!file.exists()) { //dont make new for this class, will get memory leakage logCurrentFilePath = willMakeFile; } //if currentfiletime - currenttime > 1 day //if currentfilesize > 100mb will make discussion later,now just make one file per day. //makenew file; } private static void coverageByTime(long time) throws Exception { // 1删除已损坏的数据库 已完成 File needClear = new File("C:/DetaDB"); needClear.delete(); // 2解压备份数据库 已完成 UnZip.unZipWithPath("C:/DetaLog/zipCover/" , "C:/DetaLog/zipCover/cover"); // 3循环执行备份plsql命令,直到等于大于时间戳完成返回。 BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("C:/DetaLog/log/logger.det")); String tempString; while ((tempString = reader.readLine()) != null) { //解gzip压缩并执行数据库恢复 tempString = new String(GzipUtil.uncompress(tempString.getBytes(StableWeb.CHARSET_UTF8)) , StableWeb.CHARSET_UTF8); long currentTime =Long.valueOf(tempString.split("@:")[1]); if(currentTime < time) {//逐条恢复到点。 E_PLSQL_E.E_PLSQL(tempString.split("@:")[3], true); } } reader.close(); } }