package SEM.bloom; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Vector; import javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException; import ME.APM.VSQ.App; import PEU.P.dna.Token; import PEU.P.image.ConvexHull.Vertex; import PEU.P.md5.Usr; import PEU.P.md5.UsrToken; import PEU.P.table.TableSorterZYNK; import PEU.P.time.TimeCheck; //著作权人+ 作者= 罗瑶光 public interface StaticFunctionMapU_AOPM_C { public static Map annotationMap= new HashMap<>(); //Cache_M 入选jdk, 略 //ObjectClassification public Map>mapClassification(Map input, String[] keywords); public Map>mapClassification2D(Map input, String[] keywords); public MapstringClassification2D(String[] input, String[] keywords); public Map>listClassification2D(List input, String[] keywords); //ObjectCombination { public Map mapCombination(Map output, Map destination); public List listCombination(List output, List destination); public int[] intArrayCombination(int[] output, int[] destination); public double[] doubleArrayCombination(double[] output, double[] destination); public long[] longArrayCombination(long[] output, long[] destination); public float[] floatArrayCombination(float[] output, float[] destination); public String[] StringArrayCombination(String[] output, String[] destination); public char[] charArrayCombination(char[] output, char[] destination); public byte[] byteArrayCombination(byte[] output, byte[] destination); public Vector vectorCombination(Vector output, Vector destination); //DNAAuth { public boolean DNAAuthStatusCheckEmailAndPds(App app, String string, Map data) throws Exception; public boolean DNAAuthStatusCheckEmailAndPde(App app, String string, Map data) throws Exception; public boolean DNAAuthStatusCheckEmailAndPassword(App app, String string , Map data) throws Exception; public boolean DNAAuthCheck(App app, String string, Map data) throws Exception; //StringUtil { public String encode(String input) throws Exception; public String decode(String str) ; public String EncoderByMd5(String salt, String pwd, int enctimes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException , UnsupportedEncodingException; public String EncoderByMd5(String salt, String pwd) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException , UnsupportedEncodingException; public String EncoderByDNA(String key, String uPassword, Token token); //TokenUtil { public Token getNewTokenFromUsrAndUsrToken(Usr usr, UsrToken usrToken)throws Exception; public String getSecondMD5Password(String uPassword) throws Exception; public String getFirstMD5Password(String key, String uPassword) throws Exception; public String getFirstDNAPassword(String key, String uPassword, Token token); public Token getNewTokenFromUsrAndUsrTokenByDNA(Usr usr, UsrToken usrToken)throws Exception; //image // CheckRange { public int[][] CheckRange_P(int[][] g) throws IOException; //Closing { public int[][] Closing_P(int[][]g,int[][]kenel); //Color_P { public String Color_P(int r,int g,int b); //ConvexHull { public List convexHull(List vertices); public int compareSlope(int dy2, int dx2, int dy1, int dx1) ; public void PNGWrite(int[][] g, int pix, String output) throws IOException; public void CSVWrite(int[][] g, int pix, String outputcsv) throws IOException; //Dilation{ public int[][] Dilation_P(int[][] g, int[][] kenel) ; //Emboss { public int[][] Emboss_P( int[][] g) throws IOException ; //Erosion{ public int[][] Erosion_P(int[][] g, int[][] kenel); // GetMean { public double print_Mean(int[][] outDIR); public double print_Mean(double[][] outDIR); ////Group_O { 稍后把 非个人著作权的几十行踢出去。 //public double[][] GO(int[][] kener,int[][] refG,int[] size); //Guassian { public int[][] Guassian_P_2D(int[][] g,int d,int e,double sig) throws IOException; public int[][] Guassian_P_1D(int[][] g,int frection,int kernel,double sig) throws IOException; public BufferedImage Guassian_P(BufferedImage lygimage, double d, double e,double k) throws IOException ; // HitAndMiss{ public int[][] HitAndMiss_P(int[][] g, int pix, int[][] kenel) throws IOException; //HoughTransform { public void HoughTransformLoop(int[][] g, int pix,int scale); public void IV_HTMatrix(int[][] g) ; //Laplacian { public int[][] Laplacian_P( int[][] g) throws IOException; //Mask { public int[][] Mask_P(int[][] mag,int[][]dir) throws IOException; //Median { public int[][] Median_P(int[][] g,int d,int e) throws IOException; public BufferedImage Median_P(BufferedImage lygimage, int d, int e) throws IOException; //Opening { public int[][] Opening_P(int[][]g,int[][]kenel); //PrintMoments{ public void PrintCurrent(int[][]g,int pix) ; //ReadWritePng { public void writePNG(String args, int[][] outmag) throws IOException; public void writePNG(String args, int[][][] outmag) throws IOException; public int[][] GRNpngRead(String args) throws IOException; public int[][] GRNpngRead(BufferedImage image) throws IOException; public int[][] REDpngRead(String args) throws IOException; public int[][] REDpngRead(BufferedImage image) throws IOException; public int[][] BLUpngRead(String args) throws IOException; public int[][] BLUpngRead(BufferedImage image) throws IOException; public int[] sizeHW(String args) throws IOException; public BufferedImage createBufferImage(int[][] r, int[][] g, int[][] b); //RedRaf{ public int[][] smallToNormal(int r[][],int s, int b) ; //Reflection {//renhat教授的稍后剔出去 public int[][] PadImage (int[][] _image, int height, int width); //RegionGet { public void RegionGet(int[][] g) throws IOException; public void buildGraph(int[][] g,String output) throws IOException; //Sobel { public int[][] Sobel_P( int[][] g,int choice) throws IOException; public int[][] Sobel_P_WithMask(int[][] g, int choice, int mask) throws IOException; //Strech { public int[][] Strech_P(int[][] g,double d,double e) throws IOException; public BufferedImage Strech_P(BufferedImage lygimage, double d, double e) throws IOException; //Threshold { public int[][] Threshold_P(int[][] g, int Td); public int[][] Threshold_P_Section(int[][] g, int Ts, int Td); ////VtoV{ 移除著作权的 和 u vecs 已经出现的稍后剔除出去。先注释掉 //public JSONObject XmlToJsonObject(String response); //public Map JsonObjectToMap(JSONObject response); //public String MapToJsonString(Map response); //public String ListToJsonString(List response); //public String ObjectToJsonString(Object response); //public Map XmlToMap(String response); //public String MapToXml(Map response); //public List JsonArrayToList(JSONArray jobj); //CnnMeasure{ public double[][] getCnnMeansure(double inputs[][]); //StringUtil { 见我git的 备份描述refer 和 著作申请版本备份refer 都有详细说明 //md5 官方 注释下,以后用 dna MD5的作为纪念。 奇怪 还让我eclipse卡死一下刚。 //public String encode(String input) throws Exception ; //public String decode(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException; //public String EncoderByMd5(String salt, String pwd, int enctimes) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException //, UnsupportedEncodingException ; //public String EncoderByMd5(String salt, String pwd) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException //, UnsupportedEncodingException ; //WAVtoLYG{ 以前设计视频的加密很少用。 public void WAVtoLYG(String WAVf, String LYGf) throws IOException, UnsupportedAudioFileException; //LYGFileIO //public LYGFileIO initWithFFT(double fft[], MakeContainerZNSZ makeContainerZNSZ); //public void lygRead(String filepath) throws IOException ; //public void lygWrite(String string) throws IOException ; //public void IQ_header(RandomAccessFile raf) throws IOException ; //public void IV_ByAudioBytes(AudioFormat af) ; //DETA_ANN_HMM { public String[][] summing_P(String[][] inputNLP) throws IOException, InstantiationException , IllegalAccessException; //DETA_DNN { public String[][] summing_P(String[][] ann, String[][] rnn) throws IOException, InstantiationException , IllegalAccessException ; //sort he search 没有实用价值 见 top5Dsort,略,稍后我会把 养疗经的表格search 组件提取出来变成函数。 //声音滤波发音 略,不想设计统一接口,因为涉及武器安防领域,本人去年承诺过,不再个人研发, //tablesort public TableSorterZYNK initATableSorterZYNK(); public TimeCheck initATimeCheck(); //wave //Common{ public double[] zhiShu(double[] input, double scale,double shehold); //Copy{ public double[][] copy2d(double[][] input,double scale); public double[]copy1d(double[] input,double scale); public double[]copy1dx2(double[] input,double scale); //DFT public void initADFT(); //FFT public void initAFFT(); //Guassian{ public double[] guassian1d(double[] input, double scale); //Laplasian{ public double[] laplasian1d(double[] input, double scale); //MaxAndMin{ public double max_v(double[] input) ; public double max_i(double[] input) ; public double min_v(double[] input,double rank); public double min_i(double[] input, double rank) ; //Median{ public double[] median1d(double[] input, double scale ) ; //PeakStatistic{ public double[][] fengTong1D(double[] input); public double[][] fengPaixX(double[][] input) ; public double[][] fengPaiyY(double[][] input); public double[][] fengPaiXx(double[][] input); public double[][] fengPaiYy(double[][] input); //Proportion{ public double[] newX(double[] input, double width) ; public double[] newY(double[] input, double hight) ; public double[] newXY(double[] input, double width, double hight ) ; public double[] newXYBest(double[] input, double width, double hight ) ; public double[] newYwithoutBound(double[] input, double hight); public double[] newXYYwithoutBound(double[] input, double width, double hight ); //Quantification{ public double[] liangHuaDengChaAdd(double[] input, double scale) ; public double[] liangHuaXiHua(double[] input,double scale) ; public double[] liangHuaDengChaMines(double[] input, int scale); public double[] liangHuaEqualDelete(double[] input) ; public double[] liangHuaXiHuaHalfSide(double[] input) ; //Shehold{ public double[] shehold1D(double[] input, double scale) ; //Tailor{ public double[] caiJian1D(double[] input, double left,double right) ; //UnZip { public void unZipWithPath(String zipFullPath, String zipCategory); //BootBackup { public void bootBackupByUsingGzip(String zipPath); //sourceFilePath is a root category of 待压缩的文件目录 //zipFilePath is a zip category of 压缩的文件目录到 //fileName is a zip file name public boolean fileToZip(String sourceFilePath, String zipFilePath, String fileName); //GzipUtil { // 压缩 public byte[] compress(byte[] data) throws IOException; public byte[] compress(String str, String stringTypes) throws IOException; public byte[] uncompress(byte[] data) throws IOException; //Filter{ public int[][] P_Heart(int[][] zuoBiao, int distance, int scale); public int[][] P_Model(int[][] zuoBiao, int[][] yanjing);//粗糙版本以后优化。 }