ppt依照 《DNA元基催化与肽计算 第四修订版 V00919》+ UML 进行细化描述。 每个章节PPT控制在40页内。 准备组织文字设计ppt 章节素材细节 框架如下: //////////////////////////////// 序 这本书, 比较详细的阐述了计算机的软件源代码, 从简单的按工程逻辑功能来执行的机械编码, 逐步走向可序列化遗传记忆的索引编码, 并可以进行新陈代谢的优化进化的研发和实现过程. 前面六章, 描述了作者在大数据计算领域的工程应用实践的内容, 主要基于养疗经的医学大数据搜索分析作品, 如将文章进行词汇分开, 如何数列数组进行排序, ETL进行节点流程组件块计算, 描述VPCS服务器调度算法, 可编程数据库和数据库语言PLSQL, 还有数据的载体结构变换和数据像素处理预测集等. 于是进行了很好的归纳跟进研发, 逐渐的更新优化和催化出 读心术, 分词和搜索作品, 线性和非线性卷积计算作品, ETL引擎作品, PLSQL和PLORM关于 VPCS调度的数据库语言作品, 数据变量快速变换和分解作品, 以及非线性的数据坐标轨迹预测作品等. 中间三章, 基于当前六个API软著作品在不断的优化升级和完善过程, 作者开始思考怎么有效的整理和归纳这些作品所包含的作者最近这4年内编写的数十万行源代码, 目的是方便和优化作者自己的行为理解和劳动方式. 于是一种有效的简洁的函数分类方式诞生, 语义元Initions编码规范, 作者在论证中将这个语义元编码套在生化编码上竟然吻合, 推导出完整的 语义元基Initon (Init Aton), 肽展公式PDE(PDN Extension) 和元基解码 (Decoding between Initons and DNA). 于是开始通过元基编码来索引养疗经工程出现的所有函数, 一切顺其自然, 开启了世界首个数据元基催化语义索引编码的大门. 后面七章, 因为元基编码, 公式, 解码的发现, 作者于是有充足的条件开始集成个人已有的六个软著作品进行持续和坚韧的应用计算优化, 收获颇丰, 如优化极速分词到现在肽展索引分词以及新陈代谢的编码进展; 如极速排序到现在的肽展索引新陈代谢优化的象契混合字符串排序作品; 如卷积计算到现在非卷积肽腐蚀极速视觉计算与图片识别作品. 如ETL Unicorn到现在的PLETL中文Tinshell神经元语言模拟编译机作品; 如VPCS PLSQL数据库到现在的肽展数据元基加密, 元基罗盘造字, 和 VPCS Web Session Token 概率加密应用; 如数据变换项目到现在的 Tinshell, TinMap与元基花组件内的指令记录结构堆栈分析设计; 如数据预测项目到现在的元基十六进制编码规范等. 开启了数据元基的RNA物理硬件科学 与 生化费洛蒙计算科学 交叉科学拓展. 这些函数和技术很好的在养疗经作品中完美的价值体现, 并一直在更进测试优化中, 作者比较欣慰的是: 在进化计算中, 软件函数进行元基索引编码的新陈代谢优化方式, 是一种有效的进化方式. In the evolutionary domain of software computation, the DNA catalyst and the PDN metabolism is an effective evolutionary method where based on indexing optimization by humanoid Initons (16 Init-Atons, AOPM VECS IDUQ TXHF). 正如第一句话, 而这本书完整的记录了它的研发过程. 同时作者也为这本书的理论和工程研究提供了作者完整的20年CV人生阅历和知识来源. 作者在设计这篇文章一直带有两个疑问, 因为超出了软件领域, 没有花时间进行系统的拓展研究. 第一个问题是生化层面上, 作者推导的AOPM级的智慧语义元基是否在生化DNA物质中存在. 如马蹄铁形嘌呤对. 第二个问题是物理层面上, 作者推导的RNA, FU计算碱基对是否能真实设计DNA硬件系统. 如替换锁存器. 作者罗瑶光, 稍后优化20220414, 20220416, 20220417, 20220531 This monograph contains a more detailed description of the computer software source code about the research development and implementation process, from a simple mechanical coding according to the engineering logic function, then performs gradually to a serialized genetic memory index coding and finally can carry out metabolic optimization of the evolution. Thus first six chapters are the author's engineering application practice in the field of big data computing, importantly based on the medical big data search and analysis works by integrating YangLiaoJing(YLJ) software development, such as word separations, object array sorting, ETL node workflows and pipeline calculations, VPCS server scheduling algorithms, programmable database and PLSQL database language. Therefore, the author conducted a good induction and follow-up research and development, gradually updated and optimized, those fantastic job tasks eventually promoted the works of mind-reading, word segmentation, searching and indexing, linear convolutional computation, ETL engine, PLORM database language works on VPCS scheduling. Fast structural transformation and combination of data variables works, as well as nonlinear data coordinate and trajectory prediction work. The current six API software works are constantly optimized, upgraded and improved in the flowing middle three chapters, Author starts to think about how to effectively organize and summarize the hundreds of thousands of source code lines were contained in these works, in order to facilitate and optimize the author's own mode of behavior and labor. Thus, an effective and concise function classification method is born here. The semantic meta-initions encoding specification, which the author used in the argument on the biochemical encoding, truly matched and deduced the complete semantic meta-base Initon (Init Aton). The peptide extending formula PDE(PDN Extension) and the Decoding between Initons and DNA, begin to index all the functions of the YLJ through the basic coding, and everything goes naturally. Open the world's first gate about the software logic base on catalytic semantic DNA index-coding. In the continuing seven chapters, because of the discovery of meta-base(Initons) DNA encoding, peptide-formula (PDN Extension, PDE) and decoding, the author has sufficient conditions to start integrating his own six software works for continuous and tenacious application calculation optimization and has gained a lot of experience on this domain. Such as the optimization of rapid word segmentation to the present peptide exhibition(PDE) index word segmentation and the progress of metabolism; Such as quickly array sort to the present PDE index metabolically optimized image, and deed mixed string sort works; Such as convolution computing to the present non-convolutional peptide corrosion of speed visual computing and image recognition works; Such as ETL Unicorn to now PLETL Chinese Tinshell neuronal language simulation compiler works; Such as VPCS PLSQL database to the present PDE data meta base encryption, meta base compass word, and VPCS Web Session Token probability encryption application; Such as data transformation to the present Tinshell, TinMap and the stack analysis and design of instruction record structure in the meta-base flower component; Such as data prediction to the current meta-model-based hexadecimal encode specification. etc. Open the gateway of scientific expansion with computing across Database, RNA, Physical hardware and biochemical pheromone. These functions and technologies are perfectly reflected in the works of YLJ and have been further tested and optimized. The author proves out: In the evolutionary domain of software computation, the DNA catalyst and the PDN metabolism is an effective evolutionary method where based on indexing optimization by humanoid Initons (16 Init-Atons, AOPM VECS IDUQ TXHF). The author also gaind two question below, The first question was an existence form of A, O, P, M, T and X. Does molecule of pyrimidineMidazolo[1, 2-a]pyrimidineMidazole a true thing in this real world . The second question was an RNA computing with {F,DU}, Does base par of {6-aminoxanthine, Cytosine Methylcytosine} a true thing in this real world . Yaoguang. Luo稍后优化20220414, 20220416, 20220417, 20220531 后序 作者会更进 在<华瑞集>和<养疗经> 2 个产品上多花点功夫. DNA 催化与肽计算 养疗经应用研究第二卷 前言在这里感谢 人卫九的 《药理学》 和 《临床药理学》, 该论著的 酸醚醇酶 酚酯酰酮 八个肽键 化学式 和 生化活性来自这两本书, 基础是人卫九的《有机化学》; 感谢 ECLIPSE 开源编辑器伴随我14 年; 感谢我使用的一切免费开源的电子产品, 满足我走到今天的技术支撑; 感谢我曾经受到良好且漫长的基础科学教育. 感谢父亲提出的医学理念: 广, 准, 快, 和养疗经 的中医辩证思维. 感谢我的家庭, 在我研发养疗经 这 2 年多的包容, 支持. The author appreciated the eight chemical metas graph of Acid, Enzyme, Phenol, Ester, Amide, Ether, Alcohol and Ketone, where from the foundamental book of《Pharmacology》and《Clinical Pharmacology》. He also could thank for Eclipse IDE by when its fifteen years accompanyings be used for free. Appreciated his father's theroies of widely, determinatly and speedly for software use, and his tranditional medical dialectica of SDSVD. And also said 'thanks for his farmily' here about 3 years emotional supportings. 自从有了大数据开源作品集, DNA 语义编码, 肽展公式推导 和元基生化解码 , 我一直在思考怎么将这些思想成果集成在养疗经 大数据软件进行具体应用实践, 收获颇丰, 从 2018 年秋开始设计《华瑞集》和《养疗经》到现在, 我花了很长的时间在医学大数据领域不断深入, 我的动机很明显, 优化和完善生产关系, 创造生产力, 探索新的生产资料, 逐步的在医学和计算领域进行深入实践. 每次研发我需要的功能. 便遇到各种瓶颈, 剖析下才发现是基础不足, 基础来自一个体系的积累和沉淀不足, 说白了就是领域空白, 于是不暇思索, 就填补这个空白. 我结合我的自身已有的基础(计算机应用, 计算机科学, 计算机电子信息, 医学大数据) 于是全身心将青春投注在《生化计算领域》. Since he did an open source assignment at big data domain. For example DNA literary encodings, derivational peptide PDN extensions (PDE formula), and metabase, Initons decodings. The author tried to make a practice about using his authorised portaits of sortings, parserings, indexings, searchings, cords predictions, VPCS schedures, web service and his catalytic metabolisms. The author had been working graduatly in the medical data domain since he had branches of 《HuangRuiJi》and 《YangLiaoJing》. Absolutly his motivations were making an optimization for productive relationships, creating a new productivity, and exploring a new productive sources. Every time he meet any bottlenecks during this medical practive times, he considered that were his lacks of basic fundations, then had been fixed these lacks. The author graduatly to practise medical applications with his foundational educations of Computer Application, Science, and Electronics, and Computer informations where at the medical big datas. As a Bio-chemical computings for evolutions. 养疗经 引导控制面板 这个页面用于引导和配置养疗经引擎启动的布局, 和 DNA 属性数据的计算操作的配置可观测. 目前养疗经的18110 版本(18. 1. 1. 0)已经集成了元基数据库, 之后, 我会设计 PLSQL 养疗经控制台和TIN shell 控制元基自动化. 终于奠定了扎实基础. 这个软件脱离了人的控制, 多美好, 这个 TIN S h e l l 便是养疗经的语言 和 思维, 国家若需要, 我会以华瑞集的形式开源. 在哲学上的思考, 软件是一种生命, 不过目前是单细胞藻类这个级别, 如果一旦赋予了智慧活性, 其进化速度1 小时就能颠覆人类智慧的5000 年之久. 所以一开始就要掂量好, 于是我仅仅在医学数据领域上先设计一个缺陷大脑, 满足其安全级别 This page mainly used for well boot the software. Correctly In order to config the observational attributes. and now the YangLiaoJing had already integrated a Tinshell, PLORM and PDE, the author considered a catalytic software was a life. But now is seeming just like an alga cell. He did not make any bio-activity and mebolisms to it. Because he just afraid the metabolic speed, will easily cause alot of problem and situation of 'an out of control'. 养疗经 中医药搜索页(十二经络图片和药材图片不属于DNA元基催化与肽计算版权保护内容, 来源:百度图片搜索关键字 ‘药材名 + 无版权’或‘十二经络图片 + 无版权’) 这个页面用于中药的搜索多维展示. 上面是一个表格, 囊括了 2400 余味中医学药物和药食同源元组成份, 涉及他们的名称, 经络, 性味, 功效, 风险, 等属性列, 点击这些表的元组, 能够进行通过一维的线性, 二维的图表和三维的属性数据挖掘计算观测. 并通过全局的搜索和带精度筛选计算有价值的结果. 图中的 图片我是在百度搜狗上搜索中药的无版权图片 得到的, 所以颜色规格不是很统一, 以后可以专门设计一套漂亮的. 三维的引擎用的是开源的JOGL 图形渲染架构, 其余都是JDK 原生组件二次开发. 这里标识, 感谢. 这个中药页, 2018 年秋, 是帮父亲做个医学搜索软件, 后来发现实用性很强, 就结合 中医方剂 和 中医诊断 直 接扩展多个页面, 最后设计 西医页面 也并上了, 大一统. 父亲用了一年多, 感谢其一直在帮我做测试. Now a days, YangLiaoJing contained more than 2,400 Chinese medicines and did well an arrangement with Name, Meridian, Nature and flavour Taste, Efficacy and Risk etc columns. The author did an 1 Dimensional word texts, 2 Dimensional pictures and arraies, and 3 Dimensional lexical-flower observations. Especially with scaled schedures, filters and searches, the author appreciated for his fathor with YangLiaoJing testing. And the 600 pictures of medicine plants where author searched with Baidu and Sougou by using key word 'Medicine Name + Copyleft and No Restrictions'. 养疗经八纲六经辨证 大综合 罗盘, 一开始设计这个罗盘, 是根据中医学的八纲辨证来进行罗盘归纳, 渐渐的, 养生居家内容越来越多, 也越来越丰富, 于是一个罗盘放不下, 我就设计了罗盘组, 然后设计三维罗盘. 如图, 八纲, 三焦, 营卫, 气血, 六经, 天星, 风水, 养生, 居家, 数术, 节气, 都很好的归纳在这里. 现在随着养疗经的不断升级优化, 现在元基罗盘也录入了. 我的动机很明显, 通过元基的语义罗盘和生化罗盘 双元观测, 将中医和西医进行无理级别 融合辩证搜索观测. 很多次提到无理级这个词汇, 我在这里解释下: 无理级学术的意思是, 将两个或多个领域根据某种观测角度和应用方法进行耦合推导, 挖掘其共同点拓展. 具体的实例如 1: 通过元基的生化和语义两种不同的学科耦合(语文和化学)根据罗盘的方位分类归纳, 来联系中医和西医的关联点. 然后拓展(医学). 通过软件工程的生命周期PCA 处理AOPM 和软件架构的MVC 优化VPCS, 进行推导优化数据库的增删改查IDUQ 算法然后进行DNA 编码最后解码语义生化TX-H 元基(计算机科学, 生物化学, 基因工程)和肽展公式(生化计算领域) An implements of this picture, the eight principal syndromes: Yin and Yang, Tri-jiao, Nutrient and Defense, QI-blood, Six Meridians, Celestial Star and Astrology, Geomantic Fengshui, Health, Home Geomantic, Numerology Astrology, and Solar Terms, were concluded by a well YangLiaoJing. The author built a compass to make an arrangement with these sets. His motivation was a conjunction and an adjunction with Literatures, Biologies, Chemistries, Physics and Medicines. The author considered and defined an 'undirectly logical and associational science-extension' of '无理级学术', ULASE, was tried to make a derivation and observation with two or more independent science systems, where based on the ratio of observations and the way of derivations. For example the science adjunction with literatures and chemisties. where directly was arranged on the compass. Also could be the Chinese medicines and Western medicines. The author graduatly proved a PCA of SDLCs as AOPM, a PCA of computer achitectures as VECS, and PCA of Data manipulations as IDUQ. And a well PDN extension and D-R-NA decodings of AOPM VECS IDUQ TXHF. Here an ULASE was a conjunction and an adjunction with Computer Science, Bio-Chemistry and Gene Science. 通过不断优化分词和排序, 最后进行微分催化逻辑归纳(算法, 离散数学), 发现一些数据都是增删改查的元函数(数据库原理), 等等太多了, 不一一介绍. 我要的做的很简单, 持续的坚韧的在养疗经中进行不断的研发探索和应用归纳. 目的很明确, 优化和完善生产关系, 创造生产力, 探索新的生产资料. 因为这个罗盘, 中医可以和基因, DNA, 居家, 养生, 地理, 星象, 西医, 军事, 等各种基础科学进行无理级别耦合, 进行混合拓扑计算. 为了方便多角度对比, 我设计了多个观测角小组件叠加, 目前是第一代版本, 之后这些罗盘数据将全部元基化做索引计算, 满足生产力更新发展的需要. 养疗经医学经典搜索页面 关于养疗经的搜索, 理念是父亲的快, 广, 准. 我在这里归纳下细节, 一开始, 我所理解的快是算法快, 广是数据面广, 准是搜索内容准确. 随着研究的持续进展, 我现在的理解全部颠覆了, 我认为的快是数据认知速度快, 广是关联的数据拓扑面广泛, 准是搜索的精度自适应. 从最早的快排优化到极速排序, 再到极速小高峰过滤催化快排, 与象契文字混合排序, 现在开始元基肽展计算带精度搜索, 我的思维有开始改变了, 我所认为的快是自主进化速度加快, 广是无理级推导点广泛, 准是在算能的低耗上高效计算. Implements of YangLiaoJing search conponent with his father's used 'speedly', 'widely', and 'determinatly'. The author considered before the 'speedly' meant was operated speedly by users, 'widely' meant widely used in data domains, 'determinatly' meant determinatly searched with scales. And now he considered again 'speedly' meant data cognized speedly, 'widely' meant data topologics were widely used, and 'determinatly' meant searching determinatly fitted by user wants with scales. From the original 'Sir Charles Antony Richard Hoare-QuickSort4D' to author's TopSort6D, and now a Mixed Literary Sort with Asian Pictos and wetern Wedges. And its DNA catalytics and PDE metabolics of indexing optimizations. The author then considered a new that here the 'speedly' meant speedly evoluted with PDE, 'widely' meant widely derivated with ULASE, and 'determinatly' meant reduced computing energies. 元基进入生化计算领域, 一切即将改变, 下一个快广准有所期待. 养疗经设计到现在, 我设计了很多算法, 于是归纳下如下: 微分催化算法: 和我一直打交道的主算法, 通过对功能函数的人类理解思维进行函数编码并不断微分优化逻辑结构来提高算能的过程. 如我的极速小高峰过滤快排. 德塔分词, 德塔数据库等, 元老: 牛顿和莱布尼茨. 认知算法: 通过对函数编码进行语法拆分提取重用高的函数, 确定主要成分并优化减少运算错误的高效算法. UNICORN ETL, Socket rest deta VPCS boot 分级函数. 元老: OSGI, SONAR常规算法, 通过某种学科根据需求进行编辑的算法用于高效的完成需求任务. 进化算法, 通过肽展计算和元基生化和语义无理级变换来适应其软件版本不断升级的环境. 自主修复和完善其生命周期. 其他算法体系略. 我设计这些算法, 和体系, 一开始是为了满足养疗经的性能, 后来成了养疗经的升级和需求变更推动算法的优化更新, 现在发现养疗经就是一个算法系统. 在 DNA 的层次, 语言是算法. . 是一种智慧高级文明的线性算法. The author thought that Initon's applications in Bio-chemistry domain, where could be expected by how about concluding with 'speedly', 'widely', and 'determinatly'. The author defined a catalytic algorithm, meant the functional algorithms and conponents where could have been graduatly being optimized by humanoid literatures or human beings. In order to reduce the computing energies. Such as the small and defect peak-filtering, Deta Parser and Deta socket-flows VPCS DataBase, and its PLSQL and PLORM. The author could refer Mr.Newton and Mr.Leibniz here the Cheers. The author defined a cognitive algorithms, meant the functional algorithms and conponents could have been graduatly being fissiled and combined with compile-languages grammar, to reduce the computational errors and times. Such as the Unicorn ETL, and VPCS standard API, The author could refer OSGI, and Sonarlint here. The author defined a regular algorithms, meant basic foundational definitions at natural science. For example mathematics and discrete-math etc. The author also defined an evolutionary algorithms: In the evolutionary domain of software computation, the DNA catalyst and the PDN metabolism is an effective evolutionary method where based on indexing optimization by humanoid INITONS (16 Init-Atons, AOPM VECS IDUQ TXHF). In order to make a self SDLC and Dev-Ops. The author considered that YangLiaoJing was an algorithm system. At DNA domain, the language could be defined as an algorithm, meant a higher civilizational lined-algorithm from humanoid AI. 上图这个版面, 我习惯用2 维表格来进行表达, 当点击一行元组的CELL 集, 便能在下面的文本框进行全文展示和跟进计算, 左边的是展示 PCA, 我这样布局是因为有很大的优化空间. 方便我更好的理解数据和傻瓜化应用(这里是一个拓扑点, 先标注下). 设计这个文本搜索页, 动机是方便父亲搜索数据的同时进行快速的阅读和观测. 于是添加了 DNN 算法, 读心术, 搜索高亮和中文语音发音等满足高效应用. Above pictures showed a 2 Dimensional table, after clicked the area theme of cell from each row tupe by a mouse operations. It will trigger a cell related texted segmential reflections and DNN analysis. For example the left part was a PCA theme list, and right part was a procedures text with hight lights. In order to make a foolished showing for users. For example user's readings and manipulations. The author added more tab-controllers of DNN, pronunciations, page number, and translations. 养疗经医学图像之智能分析页面 这个页面是 德塔 JAVA 卷积数据分析的作品在这里的应用. (索贝尔, 高斯, 拉普拉斯, 傅里叶, emboss 是先贤引用) 关于这个版面, 我一开始是想做个红外监控, 于是进行了红光过滤, 后来就干脆把计算机视觉的先贤的卷积算法都添加进去, 用来研究皮肤五官相诊, 现在元基的肽展腐蚀算法也并入的养疗经, 观测面大幅增加, 于是我设计了带精度的游标计算, 数据可以不断扩展, 也可以进行无理级耦合叠加观测. 现在这个相诊的功能主要应用于舌头, 皮肤, 五官, 骨骼观测, 和特殊图片逻辑观测区分. This picture was an application with Java convolutional computings, refer '2014年10月19日 2.罗瑶光. 《Java数据分析算法引擎系统 V1.0.0》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,软著登字第4584594号. 2014. '. The author developed a lot of software codes by using his 《Computer Vision》 theory where from his MSCS education at California Lutheran University, CLU, USA. For example of Sobel, Guassian, Laplas, DCT and Emboss. In an early time, he just want to build a ray monitors, to abstract out the red color, and finally he added all of his visionary code where developed with Computer Vision's theory at CLU, to make a research for skin detrections. And now became a mixed non-convolutional visionary detection which integrated with PDE formula, scaled observational computing, and visionary data extensions. To do the research of ULASE. And now this conponient could be applicated in visions of Tongue, Skin, Face and Bones etc logical observations. 养疗经图片索引急速搜索页, 上述图片中的搜索内容不是养疗经软件的组成部分, 仅仅是图片搜索功能的展示(图片来自超声学医学教材). 父亲提议养疗经需要增加一个图片搜索的页面, 于是设计了一种傻瓜格式, 下面一排是图片分类, 右边是图片搜索排序, 左边是可操作界面显示, 可以鼠标进行多种观测操作, 也可以结合相诊中的导入来耦合复杂计算. 我做了一层像素处理和管道队列排序, 10 万张图片从计算搜索到排序显示出来 整个过程速度在 0. 3 秒内. 满足之后的高并发 REST 并行计算横向服务器扩展. Above picture, Its search contents, were not a part of YangLiaoJing software, meant a training data from a China medical Textbook. Author's father suggested a requirment, to let YangLiaoJing do the picture search as easy and simple as an foollish way. Then he tried to build a big main theme for picture shows in software left part, and at right part of main theme, were a quadrant themes for list rotations, and in bottom part of software, was vectorial themes for categories rotations. Finally it became very simple with a few buttons to do a lot of manipulations, and searched 300 thousands of pictures in second. the author considered it could be integrated in REST servers. 养疗经文本编辑分析页面 这个页面, 我用来做中药的药方在推荐出来后进行文字打印前的编辑, 和计算逻辑观测, 左边是文本编辑框, 用来编辑文字. 右边是观测文本框, 可以进行翻译, 数据挖掘, 高亮搜索, 语法显色区分等实际功能. 之后我会添加更多的功能, 满足需求计算面. 关于这个页面, 一开始我想直接集成 JAVA 开源组件, 后来发现太大了, 因为我的养疗经整个架构体系上层都是自主研发, 一个 word 的开源java 框架就大到超过养疗经源码总量了, 于是还是自己根据需求来设计了. 我要抓住这个页面的需求: 为文字打印前修改编辑的预览和文本NLP 计算观测. 其他的功能先不考虑. This picture, was mainly for page prints after a words-edition. The words here could be a searched result of medicines, or an essay and other texted lexicons. To the left parts was an observational theme. Where could show the multi-lexicons translations without grammar, high lights, and word segements etc. 养疗经智慧声诊 养疗经智慧声诊分析与调制解调页面,这个页面全部基于傅里叶算法对音频的 频率调制与解调, 就不多做描述了, 用于声诊, 噪音检测和碎石. 因为低频调制对 生物器官有很多作用, 危险级别高, 于是我分离成了肽插件, 没有集成在养疗经主引擎里. 我想到了很多扩展的功能插件, 因为涉及到临床医学, 同样, 危险级很高, 就不在这里进行过于详细的表述了. 我会将右下角的 AOEIU 五种元音的声谱图片去掉, 换成类似相诊中的按钮, 来配置右上角的调制解调按钮, 来模拟器官共振声频, 用来临床医疗. YangLiaoJing and its sound manipulations were based on DFT, FFT and DCT. It could be used widely at noise detections, ultrasonic lithotripsy and 'Four Diagnostic Methods of TCM'. Because its lower and higher frequent wave risks for organes and bones, so the author stoped his personal continuing development. He separated it out to an OSGI and PDE file part. For a medical research, the author will fully follow his father's opinions, becasue the medicine was a rigorous science. 养疗经中西医诊断选择页面. 这个功能是西医检测的应用功能, 我没有花精力完善, 优先级降低. 因为不是基础科学, 之后养疗经开始社会应用, 我会逐步完善这个功能. 关键词索引字典见书尾。 This conponient implemented a western medical detection. 养疗经的 ETL 配置计算页面. 这个页面是 德塔 UNICORN ETL 分析的作品在这里的应用. 目前可以介绍下, 这个 ETL 的组件和扩展组件已经完成第一代肽化, 这个 etl 的界面应用研发走向不会和 KNIME, WEKA, kette, orange 等有太多区别, 所以不做过多表述, 我的需求走向很简单, 以第三章的 肽元基ETL 研究发展为主要方向. 另外, 我的 ETL 会有 2 种结构, 一种是神经网络语义链计算模式, 一种是生化卷积计算模式. 用来区分模拟人的左脑思维和右脑思维. 我没有时间耗费在应用层上, 好比一个大树, 枝叶繁茂, 我无暇顾及, 基础研发才是我的强项, 因为我已经专注了 3 年在生化计算领域. 目前收获颇丰, 我下一步要做的工作已经设计好了. At this picture, Deta ETL Unicorn had finished a version 1 of PDE metabolisms. Therefore, the trends of Deta ETL will similar to Knime, Weka, Kettle and Orange. (But once the Tinshell node done, the author considered that his conceptions could be totally changed. Meant all of ETL node might be the same with Tinshell node by using human script languages for input and ouput). The author will spend more times on a foundational simulation of nero-net and bio-convolutional computing with human languages and brain minds. Such as a tree with a lot of nodes and foliages, and now he kept an eye on its roots. He mentioned a nero ETL could have two parts, one of semantic link for storage, and another convolutional link for computings. //////////////////////////////////// 第一章 德塔自然语言图灵系统. 分词,排序,神经网络索引,搜索,POS函数流水阀门细化遍历 内核匹配,POS, ANN, RNN, DNN, NLP, 图灵机,基础应用: 元基催化与肽计算 编译机的语言分析机 第二章 Java 数据分析算法引擎系统 线性,非线性,维度,场景,仿生听觉,视觉,排序,搜索,基础应用: 元基催化与肽计算 编译机的仿生分析机 第三章 德塔 ETL 人工智能可视化数据流分析引擎系统. 界面,皮肤,流存储,节点,插件,档案,拓扑,神经网络,一键执行,基础应用: 元基催化与肽计算 编译机的神经元模拟机 第四章 德塔 Socket 流可编程数据库语言引擎系统 Socket rest TCP握手协议,文件数据库,VPCS服务器,VPCS调度架构,PLSQL语言,PLSQL编译机,PLORM语言,灾后重建,基础应用: 元基催化与肽计算 编译机的计算存储机 第五章 德塔数据结构变量快速转换 内存的结构,数据的结构,类的结构,转换加速,不规则对象的变换,场景变换,计算的模式变换,基础应用: 元基催化与肽计算 编译机的内存分析机 第六章 数据预测引擎系统 坐标系统预测,环境预测,雷达机,状态机,离散模型预测,概率机,向量机,商旅TSP,基础应用: 元基催化与肽计算 编译机的进制仿生计算机 第七章 类人 DNA 与神经元基于催化算子映射编码方式. AOPM-VECS-IDUQ 十二元基建模与应用, 文件肽化方式. 第八章 肽展公式推导与元基编码进化计算以及它的应用发现. initon定义,TVM定义, PDC定义, PDE定义, PDS定义 第九章 DNA 催化与肽展计算和 AOPM-TXH-VECS-IDUQ 元基解码 语义逐级表达的方式,十五元基解码。 第十章 DNA 非卷积视觉技术 肽腐蚀,肽钥匙,肽活性表达,元基的叠加与表达方式,时序视觉模拟机,费洛蒙的计算方式,应用 第十一章 DNA ETL 与元基索引 ETL 中文脚本编译机. ETL元基编码方式, PLETL语言,Tinshell, 编译机的进化,osgi插件的肽化方式,神经元计算模拟 应用 第十二章 DNA 语料数据库加密技术. DNA 元基加密,非对称概率钥匙加密, DNA元基隐写术,DNA元基特征,Web登陆token, Session会话加密,元基索引 第十三章 DNA 数术推导与 RNA_X_THF_DD 元基芯片与肽逻辑 元基罗盘分类, 元基进制推导,十六进制变换方式, 元基数字逻辑,锁存器与触发器的模拟猜想,周期频率语义肽减法公式。 第十四章 DNA 搜索与筛选应用 元基的细化模式,语义的元基表达,特征的PCA打分模式,搜索对象的元基索引方式,元基索引染色体分类观测,应用 第十五章 元基模拟染色体新陈代谢催化编码 元基造字, 元基进化方式,元基新陈代谢,元基二次新陈代谢,元基花,元基枝,元基催化在分词,排序,图片读脏识别上的应用。 第十六章 TinShell 插件_元基花模拟染色体组计算索引系统 元基索引花,元基花的优化方式,元基花的绽放方式,元基花的遗传方式,元基花的配对方式,元基花的进化方式。应用 章节的著作权文件列表: https://github.com/yaoguangluo/YangLiaoJing_HuaRuiJi/tree/18701/%E8%AF%81%E4%B9%A6 证件标注完成日期: 2019年04月03日 1.罗瑶光. 《德塔自然语言图灵系统 V10.6.1》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,软著登字第3951366号. 2019. 2014年10月19日 2.罗瑶光. 《Java数据分析算法引擎系统 V1.0.0》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,软著登字第4584594号. 2014. 2019年06月10日 3.罗瑶光. 《德塔ETL人工智能可视化数据流分析引擎系统 V1.0.2》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局, 软著登字第4240558号. 2019. 2019年06月24日 4.罗瑶光. 《德塔 Socket流可编程数据库语言引擎系统 V1.0.0》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,软著登字第4317518号. 2019. 2019年09月16日 5.罗瑶光. 《德塔数据结构变量快速转换 V1.0》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,软著登字第4607950号. 2019. 2020年03月03日 6.罗瑶光. 《数据预测引擎系统 V1.0.0》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,软著登字第5447819号. 2020. 2020年10月09日 7.罗瑶光, 罗荣武. 《类人DNA与 神经元基于催化算子映射编码方式 V_1.2.2》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,国作登字-2021-A-00097017. 2021. 2020年10月31日 8.罗瑶光. 《肽展公式推导与元基编码进化计算以及它的应用发现》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,国作登字-2021-A-00042587. 2021. 2020年11月29日 9.罗瑶光. 《DNA催化与肽展计算和AOPM-TXH-VECS-IDUQ元基解码013026中文版本》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,国作登字-2021-A-00042586. 2021. 2021年03月05日 10.罗瑶光, 罗荣武. 《DNA元基催化与肽计算第二卷养疗经应用研究20210305》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,国作登字-2021-L-00103660. 2021. 2021年09月13日 11.罗瑶光, 罗荣武. 《DNA 元基催化与肽计算 第三修订版V039010912》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,国作登字-2021-L-00268255. 2021. 2021年10月16日 12.罗瑶光. 《DNA元基索引ETL中文脚本编译机V0.0.2》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,SD-2021R11L2844054. 2021. (登记号:2022SR0011067) 软著登字第8965266号. 2021年12月26日 13.罗瑶光. 《TinShell插件_元基花模拟染色体组计算索引系统 V20211227》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,SD-2021R11L3629232. 2022. (受理号:2022R11S0138561). 软著登字第9263711号 2022年01月27日 14.罗瑶光, 罗荣武. 《DNA元基催化与肽计算 第四修订版 V00919》. 中华人民共和国国家版权局,SD-2022Z11L0025809. 2022. (受理号:2022Z11S1032939).登记号:国作登字-2022-L-10071310 [词条引用日期2020-03-05] 15.类人数据生命的DNA计算思想 Github https://github.com/yaoguangluo/Deta_Resource 另外 德塔ETL 前身 Unicorn的 qq微博 发布日期 2013年10月20日, Google微博 后更名SW-AI 发布日期 2013年10月23日,后更名为LYG-AI 发布日期 2013年11月20日。 罗瑶光